Future Technologies
Future Technologies
Application and Practical-Oriented training on Artificial Intelligence and IIoT by our industry expert trainers on following technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI Introduction & Searching Techniques (10 Hours)
- Introduction: History & overview of Artificial Intelligence, Different Definitions, Problem Solving Strategies, Applications, Physical Symbol System Hypothesis, production systems, Characteristics of production, Agents and Environments
- Uninformed Search, depth first search, breadth first search, Heuristic Search Strategies (Greedy Best First Search, A* Search, Memory Bounded Heuristic Search) Evolutionary algorithms Local Search Algorithms (Hill-Climbing Search, Simulated Annealing Search, Local Beam Search)
Game Playing (10 Hours)
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP), constraint propagation, backtracking search for CSP, local search for CSP, structure of CSP, Minimax & Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm, Imperfect Real-time decisions, Knowledge Based Agents, Example, Propositional Logic, Syntax and semantics of First Order Logic, Inference in First Order Logic Knowledge Base Reasoning Systems for Categories
Basic Probability Notation (10 Hours)
- Inference Using Full Joint Distribution, Independence, Bayes’ Rule and it’s Use, The Planning Problem, Planning with State Space Search, Planning Graphs, Efficient Representation of Conditional Distribution, Exact Inference, Approximate Inference Extending Probability to First Order Representations
Knowledge Representation & Expert Systems (10 Hours)
- Knowledge representation, Natural Language processing, Pattern recognition, expert systems, introduction to machine learning Case Study: Sentiment Analysis, Case Study: Object Recognition. Ontological engineering
- Formalized symbolic logic: Propositional logic-first order predicate logic, inference rules, the resolution principle, Dealing with inconsistencies and uncertainties, fuzzy logic. Probabilistic Reasoning Structured knowledge
Industrial IoT (IIoT)
Introduction to Industrial IoT (IIoT) Systems (10 Hours)
- The Various Industrial Revolutions, Role of Internet of Things (IoT) & Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in Industry, Benefits of IIoT, Risk & challenges, Difference between IoT and IIoT
- Industry 4.0 revolutions, Support System for Industry 4.0, Smart Factories
Implementation systems for IIoT (10 Hours)
- Sensors and Actuators for Industrial Processes, Sensor networks, Process automation and Data Acquisitions on IoT Platform, IIoT intelligent devices, RFID
- Microcontrollers and Embedded PC roles in IIoT, Wireless Sensor nodes with Bluetooth
- Wi-Fi, and LoRa Protocols and IoT Hub systems
IIoT Data Monitoring & Control (10 Hours)
- IoT Gate way, IoT Edge Systems and It’s Programming, Cloud computing, Real Time Dashboard for Data Monitoring, M2M learning & Artificial Intelligence
- Data Analytics and Predictive Maintenance with IIoT technology
Industrial IoT- Applications (10 Hours)
- Healthcare, Power Plants, Inventory Management & Quality Control
- Plant Safety and Security (Including AR and VR safety applications), Facility Management
Case Studies of IIoT Systems (10 Hours)
- IIoT application development with Embedded PC based development boards
- Development of mini project on new version of Operating systems and Edge development board
Cyber Physical Systems (10 Hours)
- Next Generation Sensors, Collaborative Platform and Product Lifecycle Management
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence